Our Leadership
The clients, employees, and volunteers make Licking County Aging Partners an exceptional place. We strive to provide personable service to our clients while encouraging an environment that is kind, inclusive, and community-oriented. Our relationship-centric focus helps create a brighter, more vibrant community for everyone.
From humble beginnings in the basement of Plymouth United Church of Christ, LCAP has grown into an organization with a robust infrastructure consisting of activities, social services, and partnerships with many organizations across the county working together as well-oiled machines to serve the older adults of Licking County. Our headquarters is also a senior center located at the east end of Newark, where over 100 employees work to help meet seniors' essential needs. We support homebound and active older adults, all with the shared mission of fostering social connections to combat isolation. We proudly serve one of the county’s most diverse and vulnerable populations through a wide range of services. From preparing and delivering over 1,000 meals five days a week across Licking County through our Meals on Wheels Program to providing in-home assistance, medical support, and a welcoming community, we empower seniors to live healthier, more dignified lives as they age.
Meet Our Leadership
Meet Our Board Of Directors
Dr. Craig Cairns, Casey Curtis, Connie Hogue, Steve Layman, David Martin, Dana Moore, Tom Scono, Bethany Stickradt, and Bart Weiler.
Licking County Aging Partners board meets at NOON on the fourth Monday of each month. If you have public comments you wish to share with the Board of Directors, please read our Public Comment Policy below.