Licking County Aging Partners Board of Directors
Public Comment Policy
Licking County Aging Partners (LCAP) is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that receives local, state, and federal funding, as well as grants, sponsorships, and general contributions. The Board of Licking County Aging Partners meets no less than eight times yearly. Meetings are focused on broad policy issues, financial and operational oversight, strategic and long-range planning, development, and considering recommendations from the numerous committees of the Board and its Executive Director. Monthly meeting agendas are typically full, and to respect the time of volunteer Board members, issues can only be placed on the Board’s agenda by the Board president or Executive Director or as approved by the appropriate Board committee. The Licking County Aging Partners’ Board desires that members of the public have a process to bring issues to the organization and, when appropriate, to the Board of Licking County Aging Partners. The first step in the process is for members of the public to address all questions and concerns to the organization’s Executive Director. The Executive Director may request to meet with the individual bringing the question or concern and/or request that the question or concern be written. Questions and concerns are often resolved at the Executive Director level. However, if the member of the public, after working with the Executive Director, is not satisfied that the question or concern has been heard or given adequate consideration, an appeal may be made to the Board through the Board president. In this event, a public member must put their concern in writing to the Board president. Upon receipt of this concern, the Board president may choose to meet with the individual raising the concern or may delegate consideration of the issue to an appropriate committee of the Board. The Board president and/or the delegated committee will report to the entire Board on the matter and will make recommendations to the entire Board if appropriate. The Board president and/or the delegated committee may determine to invite the member of the public to address the Board during a regular or special business Board meeting. As a private, not-for-profit organization, the Board will determine a final resolution.
Board Meeting Attendance
The Board of Directors meets on the fourth Monday of each month from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM at the Licking County Aging Partners office at 1058 E. Main St., Newark, Ohio. The public may address the LCAP Board of Directors during the public comment time designated on the meeting agenda. All individuals who would like to speak during the public comment period must sign in and provide their name, address, phone number, and email address. Speakers will be recognized on a first-come-first-serve basis based on the sign-in list. The public comment will last a maximum of 15 minutes at each monthly meeting. This allows the public an opportunity to comment but also ensures the Board’s ability to conduct the meeting and address other agenda items. All speakers are asked to please state their name when they begin their statement. There is a three (3) minute time limit for all statements. Speakers may not give their time to other speakers. The Board is not required to respond to your remarks during the meeting. The purpose of this agenda item is for the public to inform the Board about their views. If a speaker has questions regarding a topic, LCAP staff will address the questions outside of the public meeting setting at a time convenient for both parties. With respect to all speakers and to make efficient use of time, attendees must refrain from applause, booing, or other demonstrations during the meeting. A disruptive member of the public may be asked to leave the meeting. The public comment period may be ended by the Board President if disruptions inhibit speakers from providing statements. If the public comment period ends before an individual(s) have an opportunity to speak, they may provide a written statement to the Board. Written statements can be submitted in person at LCAP, by mail, or by emailing Approved April 24, 2023